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Soelus Session Pushup

3DWearable IMUs (Inertial Measurement Units) are not toys; they are powerful tools that can effectively track the "Soleus Session Pushup" while sitting. We call it a "Soleus Session” activity, also known as a “Soleus Pushup.” It is a specific calf muscle exercise designed to promote blood flow for (Metabolic Health) from the lower legs (the 2nd heart) back upward to the heart, which is especially beneficial during prolonged periods of sitting, like being at work all day or watching a movie at home, including many areas like airplanes, cars, etc. 


Here's how 3DWearable IMUs can help in tracking this exercise:  


Capturing Leg Movements:  


  • Measurement of Ankle Motion: Ours sensors can accurately measure the movement and angle of the ankle joint in (pitch, yaw, and roll). The Soleus Session Pushup involves flexion and extension of the ankle, and IMUs can track the range and speed of this movement, we call cadence over time.  It is importance for obtaining a good range of motion that squeezes the “bad blood” upward. 


  • Real-time Feedback: The IMUs can provide real-time feedback on the quality of the movement, ensuring that the user is performing the exercise correctly. This includes monitoring whether the motion is continuous and rhythmic, which is key for effective blood flow. This can be done by screening from your mobile platform both Android and iOS.


  • Monitoring Muscle Activity: Vibration and Acceleration: The muscle contractions during the Soleus Session Pushup cause subtle movements and vibrations in the leg. Our 3DWear sensors can detect these fine vibrations and measure the acceleration during the muscle contractions, offering insights into muscle engagement and intensity. 


  • Frequency of Contractions:  Using our devices you can count the number of Soleus Session Pushups performed, track the frequency, and ensure that the user is maintaining an appropriate pace to maximize blood flow. 


  • Posture Analysis: Body Position: IMUs can track the overall posture of the user while sitting. This includes ensuring that the feet are flat on the ground and the knees are at a 90-degree angle, which is the optimal position for performing the Soleus Session Pushup.


  • Correction of Posture: If the posture deviates, the IMU system can alert the user to adjust, ensuring that the exercise is performed under ideal conditions.


  • Data Logging and Analysis: Exercise Tracking: 3DWear  IMUs can log all the data related to the Soleus Session Pushup, including duration, intensity, and frequency. This data can be analyzed to track progress over time and adjust the exercise regimen as needed. We store that Metric History. 


  • Health Monitoring: Over time, the data collected by IMUs can help assess the effectiveness of the exercise in improving circulation, potentially reducing the risk of venous conditions like deep vein thrombosis (DVT). 


  • Integration of the IMUs and our app: Personalized Feedback: with the 3DWear, it becomes a metabolic health app and can provide personalized recommendations and reminders to perform the Soleus Session Pushup, all day through  auditory process, meaning you don’t have to watch a screen, we cue you to keep moving, providing less periods of inactivity. 


  • Visualization of Progress: Using the fastest charts in the world users can visualize their progress over time, seeing how regular performance of the Soleus Session Pushup has impacted their overall circulation and leg muscle strength. We provide a Trend Report. 


In summary, 3DWearable IMUs can significantly enhance the effectiveness and tracking of the Soleus Session Pushup by providing detailed motion analysis, ensuring correct posture, monitoring exercise frequency and intensity, and offering valuable feedback real-time on screen or through your ears for objective data for long-term health benefits. 

You can lose weight and you make your feet and legs stronger.

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