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Using a 3DWear systems can be used for ski boot fitting can provide valuable data to ensure a better fit and improve performance. Here’s how 3DWear can be done:


  • Measurement of Foot and Ankle Movements:

    • Collect Data: Attach the our small form fitting sensors to different parts of the foot, ankle, and lower leg. The sensors will track the foot's movement in three dimensions, including acceleration, orientation, and angular velocity.

    • Analyze Gait and Motion: Have the skier walk, flex, and move in different ways to mimic the motions they would perform while skiing. The 3DWear data will capture how the foot and ankle move, providing insights into any irregularities or asymmetries in movement.


  • Identify Pressure Points and Fit Issues:

    • ​Evaluate Alignment: The 3DWear data is useful to help in understanding how the foot aligns within the boot during movement. It objectively identifies if certain parts of the boot from flexing the upper cuff cause the foot to roll inward or outward (pronation or supination), which can lead to poor steering, discomfort or injury.

    • Detect Excessive Movement: By analyzing the data, you can detect if there is too much movement within the boot. This could indicate that the boot is too loose in certain areas, which can affect control and responsiveness.


  • Optimize Boot Fit:

    • Customized Adjustments: Use the data to make specific adjustments to the ski boot, such as adding padding in areas where excessive movement or adjusting the angle of the footbed. Often it is better to lower the heel, rather than have the wrong ramp angle.

    • Fine-Tuning: After initial adjustments, you can use the 3DWear attached to the important parts of the ski boot to track improvements. This iterative process ensures that the boot is fine-tuned to the skier's unique foot shape and movement patterns.


  • Post-Fit Validation:

    • Simulated Skiing Movements: Have the skier perform skiing simulations or light skiing movements after adjustments. The 3DWear hardware and software will capture real-time data to confirm that the modifications have improved fit and performance netual upper flex needs and edging response.

    • Data Comparison: Compare pre- and post-adjustment with the 3DWear data to quantify improvements in fit, alignment, and comfort.


  • Performance Monitoring:

    • On-Mountain Testing: If possible, the best world is to use the 3DWear sensor(s) on the slopes to monitor performance in real skiing conditions. This provides instant feedback to the user on how the boots perform under dynamic, real-world conditions, allowing further refinement if necessary. The stiffest of a ski boot changes on snow and when the temps go low, the same when the temp go up. 


  • Benefits:

    • Precision Fit: The useable 3DWear provides precise dynamic data that can be used to customize the ski boots to the individual's foot shape and movement.

    • Injury Prevention: Ensuring proper alignment and fit dramatically reduces the risk of acute or chronic knee injury.

    • Enhanced Performance: A well-fitted boot enhances control and responsiveness, leading to better skiing performance. If you don’t know where your skis are pointed, the body pays for it.

Using a 3DWear in ski boot fitting is a data-driven approach that enhances comfort, performance, and safety makes you have more fun and for longer.

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