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Golf Redefined

The Science of Golf: The sport is rooted in scientific principles. Science enhances your knowledge and appreciation of the game, but also improves your skills. Golf science includes the physics, biology, and psychology that shape the sport.


Setting Goals: 


Proper Technique: Mastering the fundamentals of the golf swing, including grip, stance, posture, and alignment through what is known as positions (P1 -P10). At the core of golf lies the swing, a complex maneuver that fuses power, precision, and timing. 


Perfect Practice: Consistent precise practice improves swing mechanics, short game, and putting skills.  That means muscular engagement of various muscle groups throughout the body. 


Course Management: Making smart decisions on the course, including club selection and shot strategy.


 Mental Focus: Maintaining concentration, managing emotions, and staying positive throughout the game. 


Physical Fitness: Maintaining good physical condition to ensure flexibility, strength, and endurance. 


Hand-Eye Coordination: To strike the ball accurately, the brain must have the ability to process visual information, interpret, and coordinate movements for shot execution. 


The “P System”:  A series of positions that can help golfers become more consistent, hit the ball straighter, and lower your scores. The “P” stands for “position”, and each position focuses on different aspects of the swing. 

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