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Cycling Redefined

Our 3DWear IMU-based app for cycling offers several benefits that can enhance anyone's cycling experience, increased comfort, and improve performance. Here are some reasons why our smart wear app is valuable:


  • Increased Comfort

  • Performance Analysis and Optimization

  • Enhanced User Experience

  • Bike Fitting

  • Training and Coaching (coming soon)

  • Integration with Other Data Sources (coming soon)


The cutting-edge 3DWear sensors can be used on the bike and the cyclist’s body (e.g., shoes, legs, hips, spine, shoulders, helmet). What is it you wish to objectively track and smooth? 


Calibration is built into the 3DWearable app.  We calibrate the sensors to ensure accurate data collection of the body landmarks of interest.


Data Collection: Begin cycling, with the 3DWear sensors collecting data on movement, acceleration, and orientation.


We provide real-time processing for the fastest charts on earth. The app processes the data to provide real-time feedback on performance metrics of your Zone of Motion which is space between the joint constraints.  We also provide post-ride analysis: after the ride, the app provides detailed analysis and visualizations of the performance data, identifying areas for improvement. We also provide a score. 


Training adjustments, based on the objective analysis, the app suggests adjustments to the training plan, technique, or equipment setup. We even provide a proven CAD based bike fit for the best cleat placement, saddle adjustment, reach, for the kind of cycling you intend.


By leveraging the capabilities of our 3DWear sensors, our cycling metrics offer cyclists’ detailed insights into their performance, help them prevent injuries, enhance their overall cycling experience, and train more effectively.

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